


Sean Spicer resigns as Trump press secretary after six months

testy exchanges 不耐烦的交谈
tumultuous tenure 动荡的任期
step down 辞职
personnel shakeup 人事调整
in the interim 在此期间
*it's a great honor and privilege to...
hedge fund 对冲基金
*lavish accolades on 不吝赞词
kick off 使……开始
have a blessing of 祝福
West Wing 白宫西厢
*prop up 支持
collude with sb 与某人串通
give testimony to 证明
press corps 记者团
liberal bias 自由主义偏向
*click-bait 标题党(诱饵)

gaffe: an embarrassing mistake made in a social situation or in public
slate 空白
infighting 内讧
lectern/podium 讲台
ridiculed 受人讥讽的
*mock 嘲弄
*irk 惹恼
devout 虔诚的
dodge 避开
credence 证据
raucous 无礼的
*plague 使苦恼
recusal: (law) the disqualification of a judge or jury by reason of prejudice or conflict of interest
counsel 指接受指派 专门为个人公司和政府公务部门提供法律服务的人 称为法律顾问
attorney 广泛用于美国 指授权为当事人代理案件的律师 常与attorney-at-low互用
gracious 和蔼的

'A misuse of scarce funds': NHS to end prescription of homeopathic remedies

homeopathic remedies 顺势治疗药(?缓解类)
- homeopathy: a system of medicine in which a disease is treated by giving extremely small amounts of a substance that causes the disease
Hepatitis B 乙肝(A就甲肝)
fatty acid 脂肪酸
herbal medicines 草药
implausible assumptions 不切实际的假想
sound science 可靠科学
in the bucks (美俚)手头有钱
eye drops 滴眼液
*tantamount to 无异于……

NHS a.k.a National Health Service

prescribe 给……开处方
placebo 安慰剂(指无药剂 仅产生心理作用的药剂)
- sing (a) placebo 趋炎附势
*scarce 不足的
ointment 软膏
emeritus 名誉退休的
severe 严峻的
therapy-->therapeutic 疗法-->治疗的
laxative 轻泻药
vaccine 疫苗
rabies 狂犬病
sanction 批准

World's first floating wind farm emerges off coast of Scotland

wind farm 风力发电站
*cash in on 从……获利
at scale 大规模地
jaw-dropping 吓掉下巴
game-changer 力挽狂澜的人
fishing floats 鱼漂
double-decker bus 双层巴士
*create a new frontier for 开拓……的前景

turbine 涡轮机
*offshore 离岸的=海上的
blade 桨叶
*dampen 抑制
nacelle 气球吊篮;飞机的驾驶员室

The Tower, including the blades, stretches to 175 meters, *dwarfing* Big Ben. 比……还高

China and Russia have 'responsibility' for North Korea nuclear threat, says US

grave warning 严重警告
intercontinental ballistic missile 洲际弹道导弹
get away/off scot-free 逃脱惩罚
blatant violation 公然违反
ulterior motives 居心叵测
*dead of night 深夜
*point the finger of blame at 将矛头指向
Korean Peninsula 朝鲜半岛

belligerent 好战的
imperialist 帝国主义者
brandish 挥舞(尤指武器)
asset 有利条件
thinktank 智囊团
forum 论坛
*negotiation 谈判

Could Putin prove to be Trump's fatal attraction?

corridors of power 权力核心
fridge magnet 冰箱磁贴
*in a nutshell 简而言之

Kremlin 克里姆林宫camouflage 伪装
*encapsulate 概述
saga 传说
puppet 傀儡
oligarchy: an oligarchy is a small group of people who control and run a particular country or organization. 
treason 叛国罪
infamy 恶行

Trump's new chief of staff I'll establish clear 'pecking', staffers say

high drama 充满戏剧性
profane rant 世俗的+激烈的言辞
there's no there there 根本就没那回事

protocol 草案
excoriate 痛斥
assault 袭击
bulwark 壁垒
scrap 废品
plank 政纲条款
diagnosis 诊断
bailouts 紧急救助
cabinet 内阁的

Oxford college worker and US professor arrested in California over Chicago murder

*fatal 重大的;致命的
stabbing 刺穿
tribune 论坛报;保民官
homicide 杀人犯
treasury 财政部
cosmetology 美容

alleged accomplice 共犯
*be pronounced dead at the scene

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